Tuesday, August 01, 2006


"N"Ice Cream

This afternoon the teachers were invited to accompany the N class students to the English Chatting Cafe on campus , where you can order a coffee beverage, ice cream or Western food like pizza, french fries or spaghetti in English and be understood. The purpose of the cafe seems to be to provide a space for students (and teachers!) to practice their English. (I'm not sure how the foreign and Korean English teachers at PNU use it. That's something I'll have to remember to ask when I meet Soo-Min, one of the Korean English teachers I'm having coffee with this week or the foreign teachers, who we're meeting for dinner on Friday night.) I sat and talked with four of the students from the N class about various things, including a very detailed map that one of the students drew for the teachers. It includes a number of good restaurants around PNU. It was nice to have another opportunity to talk with the students outside of class, in a more relaxed atmosphere. Because it was only one class and three teachers, the students had a great opportunity to practice their English (even better than in the classes!).

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